Landeshauptstadt Dresden - 05.10.2020 14:39:24 Uhr 27.07.2024 17:00:10 Uhr

Permanent residence permit for EU Blue Card holders

This permanent residence permit results from the possession of the EU Blue Card.

You have also sufficient knowledge of the German language. You speak either German at level A1 and have made compulsory contributions to the statutory pension plan for at least 33 months or have acquired entitlements to comparable benefits with an insurance or pension plan or you speak German at level B1 and have made compulsory contributions to the statutory pension plan for at least 21 months or have acquired entitlements to comparable benefits with an insurance or pension plan.

In addition, the general requirements for a settlement permit pursuant to Section 9 para. 2 sentence 1 numbers 2 and 4 to 6, 8 and 9 must be met. This also includes proof of basic knowledge of the legal and social order as well as the living conditions in the federal territory, which can be provided in the form of the "Living in Germany" test.